Thursday, September 5, 2013

Where did summer go?

Every year, as September rolls around and the children start back to school, I think: "where did summer go?"

Canadians have a bad habit of believing summer has ended the day after Labour Day. Suddenly, it's apple-picking time, the kids are off to school, and we start to see leaves dressing in Autumn colours. We begin planning for Thanksgiving, Hallowe'en, and Christmas; it doesn't help that the stores are already stocking both Hallowe'en and Christmas decorations before August. Nor does it help that we allow ourselves to get carried up in the momentum of planning for those celebrations.

But . . .

Summer isn't over until the Autumnal Equinox - which falls on September 22nd this year. By my count, there are at least a couple more weeks of "summer" left. The nights are getting cooler, but the days are still warm and sunshiny. A few leaves are turning, but at the same time, I have flowers that are just starting to bloom.

Why wish the season away before it's come to its end? There's still plenty of time for backyard parties, sipping frosty drinks by the pool, and trips to the beach. These days, it seems we're too quick to jump into the next season while whining about the current one slipping away.

I love summer. I plan to celebrate it up to and including September 21st. Autumn will arrive in its own time.