Aside from February being the shortest month of the year, it also tends to be the coldest, especially if you live in Canada. There are, however, many ways to keep toasty warm, and feel good about doing it.
1. Read romance stories... of course you had to know this was coming. In time for Valentine's Day,
Morning Rain Publishing released it's second compilation of short stories. One of them is mine, the other five are also fantastic.
2. Donate to a special cause! It's cold out there and not everyone has the advantages of warm shelter and food.This year, I'm participating in the "
Coldest Night of the Year Walk" to help raise funds and awareness for those who are homeless, hungry, and hurting. It's easy to donate... and if you do, I'll write a flash fiction story, just for you!
3. Bake something... nothing warms you up like a family baking spree. We often save these kinds of activities for the holidays, but when it's this cold outside, nothing warms you up like melty chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate.
4. Create something... being crafty not only takes the edge off of winter boredom, it refuels your energy, and gives you that warm feeling of accomplishment. You don't have to be a great artist to embark on a bit of crafty fun.
5. Go outside. I know, it's freezing cold out there... but, if you live in Canada, it's a simple fact of life. Build a snowman, go tobogganing, check out local winter festivals, find an outdoor skating rink, or just get involved in an old fashioned snowball fight. When you come back inside, your cheeks will be rosy, your toes will be feel toasty, and those cookies you made earlier will taste even better.
Surviving February can actually be fun and before we know it, spring will be knocking at the door, and we'll have the mud and the slush and the rain to contend with... and we might even be wishing for these cold, crisp winter days.