Sunday, October 16, 2016

New NaNoWriMo Adventure for 2016

I've participated in NaNoWriMo every year since 2009. I don't always "win" the 50 000 words in 30 days challenge, but I believe it has helped me grow as a writer and a person.

NaNo isn't about writing a publishable project. It's about pulling together a community of writers who live around the world. We cheer each other on in real life and online. We encourage, we share, and we write about anything we want.

This year, I'm taking things a step further and am a Municipal Liaison for the "Ontario: Elsewhere" region. This group encompasses all the smaller areas throughout Ontario who don't yet have enough participants to be declared their own region.

I fully believe everyone has a story in them. You don't have to call yourself "a writer" to write. During NaNo, anything goes. Keep a journal. Write your memoirs. Write the kind of story you'd like to read. Try nonfiction or creative-nonfiction. Finish a project you already started or challenge yourself with something new. In the end, it doesn't matter if you reach the 50 000 word goal. What matters is that you tried, you challenged yourself, you exercised your brain, and you met a lot of amazing people along the way.

If you're located in or near Northumberland County (Ontario, Canada), check out our in-person meet-ups. We'll have writing prompts, snacks, friendly ears, and limitless encouragement.

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