It’s lucky 2013 and yeah, I have some work to do. Instead of
making New Year’s resolutions I’m thinking I’m just going to set a few concrete
goals for the coming year, do my best to meet deadlines and allow myself the
freedom to dream big.
First, I need to write more. I’m not talking about books;
currently, I have two to edit, one to complete and a fourth in the works. There’s
more to writing than novels. I consider myself to be a long-distance
writer, but I’m thinking there’s much to learn from delving into shorter pieces
such as blog posts, short stories, flash fiction and maybe even poetry
(although this is probably the biggest challenge of all for me).
Second, I need to figure out the whole marketing thing. I
might even pick up a book or two, attend some webinars and get myself a bit of
education. I know how to use Facebook, but twitter eludes me. I know book bloggers
are very important to Indy writers, but approaching established blogs is much
like sending out query letters. Of course, if you don’t ask, you’ll never know.
Third, while on the topic of asking, I need to send out more
queries, not just in Canada, but in the United States as well. Being
independent is a lot of work, and I’ll admit I’m not so great at the marketing,
selling and promotion part of it. Even with a traditional publisher, a writer
has to make efforts to sell their work, but some of the pressure of constant promoting
might be alleviated – might.
And fourth, I need to focus. It’s too easy to get caught up
in what others are doing. I enjoy interacting with other writers and artists on
Facebook. Blogs are intriguing, articles are inviting. Knowing what’s going on
in the world of writing is essential, but there are times when hours pass by
and suddenly I have spent the day trolling the internet in search of who knows
what instead of working on my own stuff.
Last of all, I need to remember that I’m kind of good at
this writing stuff. It’s okay to be proud of my accomplishments and show off my
work. There might be days when I want to toss the entire lot in the bin, but I’ve
had enough feedback to know my work isn’t half bad. With each new book, blog
and bit of writing I complete I learn something new, both about myself and my
So, in short, 2013 is going to be a good year for me. I feel
the tingling in my fingers and excitement in my heart. Watch out world, here I
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