Wednesday, April 17, 2013

NaPoWriMo: Dan Holloway

April is National Poetry Writing Month. In celebration of poets everywhere, and to encourage those who are just embarking on their literary journey, I will be posting poetry (not mine) each day for the month of April. Please take a look and enjoy this special art.

Dan Holloway

My poetry roots come from a mix of the Beat poets, certain strands of contemporary performance poetry and to a certain extent the Brutalists. In other words it’s a bit of a mish mash though the emphasis is on lyricality and emotional honesty and rawness. It would be truest of all though to say that my main influence is the confessional wing of Young British Art, in particular Tracey Emin. I like art that reaches deep down inside the artist, wriggling under every layer of artifice to get to the red raw truth whatever that may be.

My solo show “Some Of These Things Are Beautiful” will be premiering at Cheltenham Poetry Festival on April 24th. (where you can download my current collection “i cannot bring myself to look at walls in case you have graffitied them with love poetry” for free) is a literary project I run that combines online exhibitions and spoken word shows is my experimental publisher, launching 6 collections by new poets this June.

street smells and posters and paint and
uncanny rhythms through doorways
click through and scroll
and slide

the sprung limbs of our disappointments
behind glass
cursor-like ghosts

london has put on her lipstick for strangers
gewgaws and whirligigs and astroturf and tar
concrete and candy and steel and the christmas sweat
of a woman with
     not enough

acid skies etch the textures of jazz
into concrete
she pours mojitos
to quench

we are the soft belly of an afterthought
stashed under ruffled underskirts
where her scent
is untouched by the cooling
      cologne of
             drum and bass
delivering endless slow-tongued reproaches
through the jabbering of strangers